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Richard Tuohy: Hand-Crafted Cinema

Richard Tuohy: Hand-Crafted Cinema

Seoul Electric

Richard Tuohy in person from Australia!

Filmmaker Richard Tuohy comes through Los Angeles on tour from Australia.  His hand-made films investigate the range of visual possibilities found in careful celluloid manipulation.  Essential to see in person, projected on a screen, his films take you close into natural objects.  His latest series, working in interference patterns will captivate your mind with their psychedelic explorations.

“These films are all firmly situated in the hand crafted film tradition.  All works are hand processed from camera neg, optical sound neg, intermediates and opticals to final prints.  This is done in part out of necessity, but also out of a sense of opportunity; while the closure of commercial film labs has meant that it has become increasingly difficult to access traditional laboratory services, it has also created an opportunity for artists to get their hands on this now largely redundant equipment, providing access for experimentation and exploration of a new set of creative possibilities.   These works speak of that new opportunity!” – Richard Tuohy

Tickets: $10 general admission; $6 students (with ID)/seniors; free for Filmforum members.

Tickets available in advance at

Tree Lines jpeg

Tree Lines

Tree Lines

(2009, 16mm, 9 min.) Los Angeles premiere!

High country, high contrast. A collision of lines and patterns from the wood of burnt trees.

seoul electric

Seoul Electric

Seoul Electric

(2012, 16mm, 7 min.) A North Asian metropolis. Electricity wires draped like thick webs adorn the street scape. Explosive sparks of colour electrify the frame. Filmed in Seoul in black and white. Colourised during processing using coloured torch light.

Eucalyptus Intoxication

Eucalyptus Intoxication

Eucalyptus Intoxication

(2008, 16mm, 7 min.) Los Angeles premiere!

February, the height of Summer, air drunken with Eucalyptus.

Etienne's Hand

(2011,16mm, 13 min.) Los Angeles premiere!

A movement study of a restless hand. Made from one five second shot. Sound constructed from an old French folk tune played on a hand cranked music box.

blue line chicago

Blue Line Chicago

Blue Line Chicago

(2014, 16mm, 10 min.) Los Angeles premiere!

Architectural distortions of the second city.  Like Fly-screen, Screen Tone, and Dot Matrix, this film is a work is in part an experiment in interference patterns.

ginza strip

Ginza Strip

Ginza Strip

(2014, 16mm, 9 min.) US premiere!

The Ginza of fable and memory. This is the first film I have finished using the “chromaflex” technique that we developed at Nanolab. This is a very much hands-on colour developing procedure that allows selected areas of the film to be colour positive, colour negative, or black and white.

dot matrix 2 300dpi

Dot Matrix

Dot Matrix

(2013, 2 x 16mm, 16 min.) Los Angeles premiere!

Dot Matrix is dual 16mm  film involving two almost completely overlapping projected images.  The ‘dots’ were produced by photogramming sheets of dotty paper (used for manga illustrations) directly onto raw 16mm film stock.  These dots were then contacted printed with ‘flicker’ (alternating black frames) creating strobing 'interruptions' to the dots.    The drama of the film emerges in the overlap of the two projected images of dots.  The product they make is greater than the parts. The sounds heard are those that the dots themselves produce as they pass the optical sound head of the 16mm projector.