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No Data Plan, by Miko Revereza - Virtual Screening

No Data Plan, by Miko Revereza - Virtual Screening

No Data Plan, by Miko Revereza

Los Angeles Filmforum presents

No Data Plan, by Miko Revereza

Virtual Screening Access: Thursday May 7, 4:00 am - Saturday May 9, 11:30 pm

Virtual Post-Screening Conversation with Filmmaker Miko Revereza: Saturday 7:00 pm Pacific Time

On an internet connection near you!

Los Angeles Filmforum presents No data plan (Miko Revereza, 2018). The film interrogates how to document oneself when the state marks you as a nonbeing. Within the grey interior of a train, Revereza considers surveillance, mobility, love, and the necessity of flight, employing the most ubiquitous documenting tool - a phone.

“Revereza shoots passing landscapes and incidental details with equal curiosity, intuitively capturing the rhythms and longueurs of long-distance train travel, as well as the anxieties of anonymous immigrants—anxieties conveyed in overheard phone calls, encounters with ticket takers, and eventually, the presence of Border Patrol officers. Quiet, contemplative, and legitimately brave, No Data Plan is that rarest of things: a personal film with real world consequences.” – Jordan Cronk, from Interview with Miko Revereza in Film Comment, by Jordan Cronk

Vox Magazine article:

Tickets: Sliding scale, as you can afford: $0 - $25.  Available through Brown Paper Tickets at only.  Filmforum members can also email us for the password.

For more information: or 323-377-7238.

Miko Revereza (b.1988 Manila, Philippines) is an experimental filmmaker and undocumented immigrant. Since relocating from Manila as a child, he has lived illegally in the United States for over 25 years. This life long struggle with documentation, assimilation and statelessness informs his films, DROGA! (2014), DISINTEGRATION 93-96 (2017) and his debut feature, No data plan (2018). Miko’s films have been widely screened and exhibited internationally at festivals such as, International Film Festival Rotterdam, Yamagata International Documentary Film Festival, International Short Film Festival Oberhausen, True/False Film Festival, Images Festival, and Berwick Film & Media Arts Festival. DISINTEGRATION 93-96 was featured and streamed on He is listed as Filmmaker Magazine’s 2018 25 New Faces of Independent Cinema.


Los Angeles Filmforum screenings are supported by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors through the Los Angeles County Department of Arts & Culture and the Department of Cultural Affairs, City of Los Angeles, the Wilhelm Family Foundation, and the American Cinematheque. Special support provided by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. We also depend on our members, ticket buyers, and individual donors.

Los Angeles Filmforum is the city’s longest-running organization dedicated to weekly screenings of experimental film, documentaries, video art, and experimental animation. 2020 is our 45th year.

Memberships available, $75 single, $125 dual, or $40 single student

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NoDataPlanStill Gotham

No Data Plan

No Data Plan

By Miko Revereza

2018, HD, color, 70 minutes

A voiceless narrator rehashes details about his mother’s affair as he crosses America by train. “Mama has two phone numbers. We do not talk about immigration on her Obama phone. For that we use the other number with no data plan.” The linear train ride moving from Los Angeles to New York diverges into unruly directions of consciousness. A multiplicity of voices share thoughts, dreams and histories evoking images far away from the enclosed spaces of this train's interior. While capturing these landscapes and interiors through his lens, the moving images evidently illustrate an undocumented subjectivity, a site of precarious movement, migration and fugitivism in America.

Director’s Statement

A giant, loud container full of people, luggage, sewage and microwavable food. For 3 days I stared at moving light passing through the residue on its windows like one long dolly shot from coast to coast. Los Angeles to New York, the great American travelogue in reverse. From its rear window the tracks look like film strips. 16:9 intermodal shipping containers passing narrowly 5 or 8 feet from heads resting on windows sleeping. The Milky Way galaxy seems so small compared to its far reaching tentacles. A spectre that migrates mountains, trees, crude oil, plastics, glass, French fries and footwear. Everything organized is in displacement. The AC puts me to sleep. I close my eyes and the motion of passing scenery continues. I dream I am at an airport in Manila. I wake up in another state. There are 2 white Border Patrol vehicles pulled up at both ends of the next station +1 unmarked car. The plainclothes officer with the walkie talkie commands the other 2. They are right outside my window now. At this point my slow and steady camera movements breaks down. The image stabilizer fails in my hands as if the camera suddenly becomes self aware of it’s immigration status.