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Colectivo los ingrávidos: New Works, including the premiere of Tierra en Trance

Colectivo los ingrávidos: New Works, including the premiere of Tierra en Trance

Tierra en Trance

Los Angeles Filmforum presents

Colectivo los ingrávidos: New Works, including the premiere of Tierra en Trance

Sunday November 6, 2022, 7:30 pm

At 2220 Arts + Archives, 2220 W. Beverly Blvd., Los Angeles CA 90057

In person: Colectivo los Ingrávidos

Dedicated to the memory of Amy Halpern

Tickets: $12 general, $8 students/seniors, free for Filmforum members


Masks are still required at Filmforum shows - N95 or KN95. 

For more event information:, or 323-377-7238

Filmforum has commissioned five artists to make new work, generously funded by the Mike Kelley Foundation for the Arts, and over the next year will be presenting the premieres of the works, including discussions with the artists.  We are delighted to welcome Colectivo los ingrávidos from Mexico for two public screenings, one at Whammy! Analog on November 5, and one at 2220 Arts on Sunday November 6. 

In the November 6th program, we are delighted to host the West Coast Premiere of the work supported by our commission, “Tierra en Trance”, along with three more works from the past year.  The utterly absorbing filmmaking of these four films carries the viewer into hypnotic spaces, drawing on images of contemporary, historical, and mythic Mesoamerica, run through a wide range of filmic manipulations to reflect on the social and political issues of Mexico and beyond.  Their films are real knockouts, highlights of any mixed program in which they are included, stunning to eye and ear, opening new possibilities for “experimental film.”  Prepare to be dazzled.

“The experimental filmmakers known as Colectivo los ingrávidos formed in Tehuacán, Mexico, in 2012. They adopted their name, which translates into English as ‘the weightless’, from the title of the first novel of Mexican author Valeria Luiselli, a novel that examines acts of translation that play out in three parallel lives against a backdrop of Spanish-language literary culture in North America. Inspired by Luiselli’s themes—of translation, displacement, and the imaginative reconstruction of identity—los ingrávidos posed a challenge to the repressive ideology evident in mainstream cinema. They have pursued the radical, alternative grammar of poetic filmmaking, contesting cultural officialdom, cherishing ecstatic communions with the natural world, and tethering aesthetic experience to social support and free will. Any description of the collective as a cohesive unit must also acknowledge the diversity of their processes, from diaristic visions of life in contemporary Mexico, to found footage and digital abstraction. The films and videos of los ingrávidos are signed in solidarity, under a collective banner, and yet express by this medley a restless collision of forms, fashioned together in love and outrage.” – from “Revelations By Sunlight: Translation, Monument and Metaphor in Los Ingrávidos’s The Sun Quartet” by Stephen Broomer


Notes for a Deja Vu

Notes for a Deja Vu

2021 / 16mm / color / sound / 22' 14 / US premiere

It is a paramnesic experience of the images where Jonas Mekas still lives and we can hear him comment on the memory of an imaginary trip to Mexico. This film is shot with an expired 16mm celluloid during a popular protest. This is a movie that remembers. This is a political movie.




2021 / Super 8mm / color / sound / 7' 02 / US premiere

SENSEMAYÁ is a shamanic composition, an ecstatic dance, a ritualistic spell which distills and exudes the kinetic motion of the haunted snake, the ancient snake that inhabits our present times, dislocated times in which: the snake has eyes of glass; the snake coils on a stick; with his eyes of glass on a stick, with his eyes of glass. The snake can move without feet; the snake can hide in the grass; crawling he hides in the grass, moving without feet.

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El Nido del Sol

El Nido del Sol

2021 / 16mm / color / sound / 5' 14 / West Coast premiere

In the nest of the sun, Xolotl, Huitzilin and Xochitl meet to recover the dance of radiation, whose colorful heat stirs the new fire of their cosmic dance.

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2021 / 16mm / color / sound / 16' 20 / West Coast premiere

“Drawing on the ancient Nahuatl concept of the animating soul or life force, Tonalli engages the ritualistic powers of the cinema, summoning fire, flowers, and many moons into a frenetic and mesmerizing in-camera collage. Here, amid thickly swirling images and textured abstractions, the gods of creation and fertility manifest, dissolving into iridescent colors and dense, corporeal rhythms.” NYFF59

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Tierra en Trance

Tierra en Trance

2022 / 16mm / color, b&w / sound / 40' / West Coast premiere

These are the dancing bodies in an agitated rapture: prelude to trance, invocation of the gods, consecration of intermittence. Here our point of view sparkles under the spell and trance of things gathered, fallen, yielding, pluvial, Mesoamerican wind, goddess breath, breeze of sticks. percussive woods. Here the audiovisual diagram that guides us, the kinetic breath that inspires us, the serpentine spear that snatches us away, the agitated plumes that trembles at us are the sound and rumbble of Teponaztli, a Mesoamerican percussive instrument: serpentine, dancing, bouncing sticks, trunks, branches and wood. Kinetic and audiovisual serialism from the embers of the Earth. This is the Earth in a Trance.